19th Weekly Thought:
The miracle of "and“
In the beginning this seems to be very difficult … and we notice our mind judging all the time.
How many times in one hour you think „This/he/she is right“, „This/he/she is wrong"?
But does this mean, that we have to believe, that all is right? - Definitely not … it only means, that we are not the judge!!!! Neither for our own nor for the life of others!!!!!
When we want to start or change something, it is important to first look at what is available. This applies to simple things like cooking a meal - but also to fundamental things like change in life.
The prerequisite is always the same: an inventory of what is. It doesn't matter whether it's material things or feelings, weather, place, knowledge, wishes, illnesses or whatever.
Mixing our opinion, views, desires and goals with what we find is first of all counterproductive - because then we do not see reality, but only our judgement of it.
A simple example that we have all experienced is that we would like to cook our favourite dish and then realise that we have all the ingredients - only the onions (or something else) are missing. Immediately our mind starts: "I want to cook my favourite dish - but the onions are missing!" ... And already we are sad, disappointed or even angry and turn away from the idea of the dish.
The same thing happens when, for example, we see nice weather outside, realise that we have time and the right clothes and think of our depression. Here, too, our mind immediately starts: "I want to go outside - but I have my depression." ... And then we feel even more depressed, helpless and hopeless.
This kind is not an inventory - but a judging! And with that we cut ourselves off from our own life!!!
In an inventory - as suggested by Step 0 - we simply "list" what is! And this usually goes quite easily! We only need to replace the word "but" with "and" - just as we would do in a business inventory.
Then the two statements would be a little different without suppressing or overlooking anything: "I want to cook my favourite dish and the onions are missing." "I want to go out and I have depression."
This small difference in perception makes it possible for us to then make a decision on how to proceed - without stopping us from our goal or desire.
It sounds simple! It is so simple! And it works!!!! Let's just try it out!