34th Week

34th Weekly Thought:

Becoming One

Being guided by our Higher Power we are able to decide, what fits for us, and get the courage to change the things we can.


In our everyday life, we are often confused by all the impressions, tasks, desires. And when we are also „on the go“ in the social media, we lose ourselves completely. We feel overwhelmed, drained, torn and left alone. And the more active we are, the worse it gets!

Only when we find ourselves again, our own centre, does this stop. There are countless ways to get there - worldwide and known for thousands of years in all societies and religions are prayer, reflection and meditation.

When we walk this path, we suddenly feel that we are absolutely not alone and that there are not "a thousand things" that want to keep us from being ourselves. It's our senses and our mind that are causing this, if we don't use them but run after it all.

So when we have managed to find ourselves again and then look at our reality including our visions, we can ask: What can I do now? (But not: What should I do now?!).

By listening, we get the answer. And we are empowered to then do so!

At the same time, we feel a serene composure to accept the things over which we currently have no influence.

And whenever we "feel out of round" we return here and let ourselves be guided by this Higher Power. The more regularly we do this, the more in tune we are with ourselves and the world!


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