52nd Week

52nd Weekly Thought:

Perfect Decision on Perfect Situation

Many of us have been trying to make a perfect decision for a long time; the result was that we became perfectionists and made no decision at all, because there was always something else where we wondered if it couldn't be better.

We have all experienced situations that were "perfect" for us in retrospect. But we left them for some reason - and only later did we look back with sadness and compare our now with yesterday.

So somehow both were not quite the right thing! And so we set out in search of a better way of life.

When we finally found the programme with the 7 steps and developed and applied it in our lives, we realised at some point in the course of time that we were now really making perfect decisions and living in perfect situations! What had happened?

First of all, our perspective changed fundamentally and as a result our goals and actions also became different. OH yes, we certainly made "mistakes" in the process and we still make them today - only now they are no longer mistakes, but simply learning steps that take us further and further along the path of our vision! And therefore we are no longer looking for the "perfect decision" but know that a decision is the right one when it feels right in us.

And the situation we are living in today is certainly not the fulfilment of our "final goal" - but we feel that we are on the right path and simply take the necessary steps - and also enjoy them! Because there is no shortcut!

And if you now ask us: What should I do? - The answer is quite simple: Start the run ... Then step by step you can speed up.

Start at step 0. Then the power grows and you follow the next steps. First one after the other until you have really adopted it as a habit - and then just apply it every day and in every situation. And if you forget or something doesn't quite work, just take a step back and continue from there.

We have experienced it and experience it every day - it works!!!!!


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