10th Weekly Thought:
Poverty and Wealth
Looking around in this beautifull world we see that all is prospering … and we are a part of this world … and so also we are here to prosper! And prosperity is again one of our inborn rights!!!!!
Prospering means to follow our inner plan and guidance.
When we look at poverty and wealth, the first impression we usually have is that they are opposites. And that we should therefore fight poverty. - This is what we do in most societies and also when we consider ourselves poor.
But as we see, this fight against it does not work!
That is because the concept is wrong!
Poverty and wealth are not opposites but the two ends of a continuum - just as hot and cold are only a question of temperature. Or like left and right. So we all have a current certain level of wealth.
A second misconception is to limit this only to financial or material wealth, as is done in the capitalist worldview worldwide today.
We all possess a whole lot!!! This also includes time, thoughts, abilities, ideas, knowledge, experiences, relationships, physical and mental power and strength and and and ....
Our growth and with that our way out of poverty begins the moment we become aware of it - and then consciously use this individual mixture of qualities and abilities for ourselves and others.
Only self-pity, greed and envy are a bottomless pit! They keep us empty and poor - no matter how much we do or have!
So let's start today! Then experience, strength and hope will be on our side and we will become what we have actually always been - a human being growing in wealth!
Our 7 steps are a simple way!