More Weeks👆

53rd Weekly Thought:

Ego and Self

We all know the terms "Ego" and "Self". Learning the difference through clear experience is one of the most important things to really live our own life! ... And we all had and most people have difficulties with that. There are countless concepts on this question - but as we have to realise, they do not lead us to realisation!

Why is that? - Quite simply, all these theoretical, philosophical and theological concepts are like travel guides written by people who have never been to the place described. Therefore, they differ and often do not correspond to our reality today. But the "place behind" really exists! We can see this just from the fact that the phenomenon has been described in all cultures and religions at all times. So we have no choice but to experience it for ourselves - and we all have! Only this has mostly not been clear to us and so we mix it up again and again.

Our Ego is clear to all of us because it can describe exactly who we are and have been, and what we are currently doing or have done at some point. "I am happy/sad, tired, fresh." "I want to achieve this and that." "I don't like this at all." "I am proud of myself and what I have achieved." "I am ashamed of some things I have done or not done." ... And ... and ... and ...

It is our "everyday Ego"; constantly active, it sometimes even hinders us from falling asleep at night. And yet it is important for us; because without our Ego we could not master the daily tasks. "I'm hungry now - and that's why I'm going to cook myself something."

We all know our Self too, but often we have not been aware of it at all. Because we cannot describe it! But every now and then we experience it very clearly when we suddenly have this "woww" feeling at a beautiful place by the sea or on a mountain or when we are completely one with ourselves and our current life. A deep peace, a deep happiness fills us and we have an impression of complete clarity and feel that we are one with everything. And then, however, we want to share this woww with someone or we feel that we are thirsty or whatever ... and it's gone and we are back in our Ego.

So is our Self just an illusion? - No! We need it! It is the only "location" from which we can give our life its own direction and a clear goal of our own. If we are not in contact with our Self, we become victims of all the disturbances, distractions and manipulations of other persons and organisations.

So how do we deal properly with our Ego and our Self? - Here are three tips from friends:

"Ego is just like dust in the eye, without clearing the dust you can’t see anything clear so clear the ego and see the world clearly."

"Many times in life we don't have our truth in mind.... and then loose our own life and exist only."

"Going our way means at the beginning of a day first to clear eyes and ears for being able to see and hear our intuition and getting the clear informations what the plan of our vision is."

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