2nd Week

2nd Weekly Thought:

2 types of freedom

a "negative" freedom; this is the "freedom from ..." and a "positive" freedom, the "freedom for ...". And if we confuse the two, we become confused and trapped and .... are no longer free! Let us see the difference between the two and understand why we are confused:


If we have broken a leg it is important that the break is treated ("freedom from ..."), but then I have to practice walking until it is really well again! ("Freedom for ...").

I then have to put my focus on the WALKING; if I put it on the fracture, fear appears and I will not practise or at least only very carefully and therefore will not learn to walk again - the consequence of this is depression!

If I have an addiction, it is important to first get rid of the addictive substance ("freedom from...", but then I have to learn to live until things are really good! ("Freedom for..."; if I focus my attention against the addictive substance or the addiction, I will become afraid of a relapse and am not free to look forward in my life - the consequence of this is depression!

If I have lived in an ended relationship (no matter what), it is important to first let go of this relationship ("freedom from ...") and then to shape my new life piece by piece ("freedom for ..."; if I focus my attention on the ended relationship or the person, I will not start living anew but will develop fear of a new relationship, aggression against the other person or myself (because of the "mistakes") and possibly act out or sink into depression!

To distinguish between these two types of freedom is for me always LIFE IMPORTANT!!!

I wish us all a free and always new life!​

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