35th Weekly Thought:
An Active Lifestyle
... the courage to change the things we can,
... and the wisdom to know the difference.
Our life is only really a life if we lead an active lifestyle. But what is the difference with "just living along"?
First of all, we realise that a really active life is only possible in real life. Being active on the internet, getting or giving out likes and other icons and being busy reading or spreading posts is a reactive, passive life - but not an active life. A virtual, artificial world is not reality. Only in reality do we experience reality, create reality and grow and enjoy it.
The next thing we notice is that being active requires that it comes from our own desire. If we are driven or just follow some guidelines and rules, we are "busy" and sometimes even rushed - but this is not a really active life either and we end up feeling exhausted and looking for compensation.
The third thing we learn is that we only really live actively with a real vision. Just walking around or flying is not enough for an active life. Even a bird flies around looking for food and returns to the nest to feed its chicks. That is the vision behind it. For us, it is the four human goals and our own visions that have emerged from them that drive us and lead us to the satisfaction we long for.