50th Week

50th Weekly Thought:

Proper Use of Time and Opportunities

While we are now on our way, we realise that some things are not yet going well for us. We are indeed active all the time, but something is not really right yet.

We have our own clear inner vision for our life that encompasses all aspects and we let it guide us. Of course, we also correct something once in a while if we notice that it does not correspond to what we truly want. We also no longer waste our day with entertainment or other distractions as far as we can. We are open to new things and are constantly learning. We see the opportunities we get every day and are somehow grateful for them. We also pay attention to our Inner voice, God (or whatever we call Him) and follow the clues as best we can.

But something still seems to be missing!?! It has also happened to us that an opportunity was lost because we recognised it too late or did not use it. What is the reason for this?

Well! It takes a relatively long time for us to recognise it - but at some point it will happen! Often when we otherwise lose our goal!!!

Who of us does not know this? We are excited about the idea of changing our job, the city, the country we live in and we like to tell other people about it. But we are still there, where we actually no longer wanted to be. - If we look closely, we realise that it's about something we didn't include! The comfort zone!!! We are not really satisfied with what we have, but understandably we do not know what is coming. We may have to leave our friends, our familiar surroundings, some of the things we like or are used to, for our vision of a better life - without really knowing what lies ahead. New things always feel attractive to us - but we can never be sure what the new reality will really be like.

So we were guided by fear, even though we were not aware of it. So we only did the things that did not seem threatening to us. And thus we passed by the important goals of our vision and always just hoped that somehow and sometime it would come true. Many of us have even prayed for it - and yet it doesn't seem to have happened!!!! It's like swimming or skydiving, if we don't leave the "safe ground" we will never experience it - however much we may have wished for it!!!! The chance to jump is NOW!!!!!

So don't think - but take the risk and jump!!!!! NOW!!!


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