Duplicate Weekly Thoughts

53rd Weekly Thought:

Ego and Self

We all know the terms "Ego" and "Self". Learning the difference through clear experience is one of the most important things to really live our own life! ... And we all had and most people have difficulties with that. There are countless concepts on this question - but as we have to realise, they do not lead us to realisation!

Why is that? - Quite simply, all these theoretical, philosophical and theological concepts are like travel guides written by people who have never been to the place described. Therefore, they differ and often do not correspond to our reality today. But the "place behind" really exists! We can see this just from the fact that the phenomenon has been described in all cultures and religions at all times. So we have no choice but to experience it for ourselves - and we all have! Only this has mostly not been clear to us and so we mix it up again and again.

Our Ego is clear to all of us because it can describe exactly who we are and have been, and what we are currently doing or have done at some point. "I am happy/sad, tired, fresh." "I want to achieve this and that." "I don't like this at all." "I am proud of myself and what I have achieved." "I am ashamed of some things I have done or not done." ... And ... and ... and ...

It is our "everyday Ego"; constantly active, it sometimes even hinders us from falling asleep at night. And yet it is important for us; because without our Ego we could not master the daily tasks. "I'm hungry now - and that's why I'm going to cook myself something."

We all know our Self too, but often we have not been aware of it at all. Because we cannot describe it! But every now and then we experience it very clearly when we suddenly have this "woww" feeling at a beautiful place by the sea or on a mountain or when we are completely one with ourselves and our current life. A deep peace, a deep happiness fills us and we have an impression of complete clarity and feel that we are one with everything. And then, however, we want to share this woww with someone or we feel that we are thirsty or whatever ... and it's gone and we are back in our Ego.

So is our Self just an illusion? - No! We need it! It is the only "location" from which we can give our life its own direction and a clear goal of our own. If we are not in contact with our Self, we become victims of all the disturbances, distractions and manipulations of other persons and organisations.

So how do we deal properly with our Ego and our Self? - Here are three tips from friends:

"Ego is just like dust in the eye, without clearing the dust you can’t see anything clear so clear the ego and see the world clearly."

"Many times in life we don't have our truth in mind.... and then loose our own life and exist only."

"Going our way means at the beginning of a day first to clear eyes and ears for being able to see and hear our intuition and getting the clear informations what the plan of our vision is."


52nd Weekly Thought:

Perfect Decision on Perfect Situation

Many of us have been trying to make a perfect decision for a long time; the result was that we became perfectionists and made no decision at all, because there was always something else where we wondered if it couldn't be better.

We have all experienced situations that were "perfect" for us in retrospect. But we left them for some reason - and only later did we look back with sadness and compare our now with yesterday.

So somehow both were not quite the right thing! And so we set out in search of a better way of life.

When we finally found the programme with the 7 steps and developed and applied it in our lives, we realised at some point in the course of time that we were now really making perfect decisions and living in perfect situations! What had happened?

First of all, our perspective changed fundamentally and as a result our goals and actions also became different. OH yes, we certainly made "mistakes" in the process and we still make them today - only now they are no longer mistakes, but simply learning steps that take us further and further along the path of our vision! And therefore we are no longer looking for the "perfect decision" but know that a decision is the right one when it feels right in us.

And the situation we are living in today is certainly not the fulfilment of our "final goal" - but we feel that we are on the right path and simply take the necessary steps - and also enjoy them! Because there is no shortcut!

And if you now ask us: What should I do?  - The answer is quite simple: Start the run ... Then step by step you can speed up.

Start at step 0. Then the power grows and you follow the next steps. First one after the other until you have really adopted it as a habit - and then just apply it every day and in every situation. And if you forget or something doesn't quite work, just take a step back and continue from there.

We have experienced it and experience it every day - it works!!!!!


51st Weekly Thought:

Resolving Weaknesses

While we are on our way, we come across difficult situations again and again and sometimes something fails.

Well? What to do in such situations?

A friend and companion provided us with a very appropriate image: "If you are walking on the road in the same direction as the cars, you will often hear a warning horn behind you with which someone wants to warn you of the danger of an accident. However, if you walk towards the cars, you will see them and the drivers will see you! And very rarely will anyone sound the horn!"

The picture fits very well!!!!! In the past, we used to change the direction - but then lost sight of our goal! We all know the result!!!!!

In the meantime, we have learned through our programme that we should not change our direction but the side of the road! In both cases, the annoying horning stops and the danger is reduced! But now we stay true to ourselves and our goal!!!!

We do it by looking at our weaknesses, then finding out the underlying reasons for them and then actively addressing them. Just like in sport, where you also analyse this and then develop an appropriate training programme for it.

So we then reach our destination and emerge strengthened from it all with new power and experience for the next stages of our journey!!!!!


50th Weekly Thought:

Proper Use of Time and Opportunities

While we are now on our way, we realise that some things are not yet going well for us. We are indeed active all the time, but something is not really right yet.

We have our own clear inner vision for our life that encompasses all aspects and we let it guide us. Of course, we also correct something once in a while if we notice that it does not correspond to what we truly want. We also no longer waste our day with entertainment or other distractions as far as we can. We are open to new things and are constantly learning. We see the opportunities we get every day and are somehow grateful for them. We also pay attention to our Inner voice, God (or whatever we call Him) and follow the clues as best we can.

But something still seems to be missing!?! It has also happened to us that an opportunity was lost because we recognised it too late or did not use it. What is the reason for this?

Well! It takes a relatively long time for us to recognise it - but at some point it will happen! Often when we otherwise lose our goal!!!

Who of us does not know this? We are excited about the idea of changing our job, the city, the country we live in and we like to tell other people about it. But we are still there, where we actually no longer wanted to be. - If we look closely, we realise that it's about something we didn't include! The comfort zone!!! We are not really satisfied with what we have, but understandably we do not know what is coming. We may have to leave our friends, our familiar surroundings, some of the things we like or are used to, for our vision of a better life - without really knowing what lies ahead. New things always feel attractive to us - but we can never be sure what the new reality will really be like.

So we were guided by fear, even though we were not aware of it. So we only did the things that did not seem threatening to us. And thus we passed by the important goals of our vision and always just hoped that somehow and sometime it would come true. Many of us have even prayed for it - and yet it doesn't seem to have happened!!!! It's like swimming or skydiving, if we don't leave the "safe ground" we will never experience it - however much we may have wished for it!!!! The chance to jump is NOW!!!!!

So don't think - but take the risk and jump!!!!! NOW!!!


49th Weekly Thought:

Our Mission

We are in a time of upheaval. Around the world, the number, sequence and severity of crises are constantly increasing.

And also in our own lives, professions, companies and organisations, we are constantly faced with new challenges that increasingly exceed the scope of our experience and knowledge. Our previous "tools of the trade" no longer work here. And even so-called "artificial intelligence" is not helpful, but only makes things worse.

What is needed is intuition, vision and creativity. And therefore people who have these and can also apply and implement them! We have developed Integrated Personality Development in order to develop and expand these, and this in a form that can be used for individuals, groups, companies and organisations as well as for further research and development in different areas with a lasting constructive effect.

In the meantime, this has also been successfully used in various areas and we are constantly developing it further.


48th Weekly Thought:

Our New Personality

An other thing we come to know is, that while being interested in our own growth we are more and more seeing our responsibilities, we are not longer asking “What do I need?” but more and more often “What can I do?”, “what do I have to give?”, “what is my part in this?”.


We have learned to follow the 7 steps and our vision. We work according to our own plan and when needed we update it. We relate our experiences. And we participate in common things. What we do, we do from the heart. We take simple or small things seriously and take every hard things easily.

And then, step by step, something else changed: We have gained trust!!! People trust us more often today because they know who we are, what we want and what we do. Through our consistent realisation of our visions, our self-confidence has also clearly strengthened with every step forward. Other people and we ourselves believe in ourselves.

And perhaps most importantly, we have found confidence in life and God, The Almighty (or however we call Him) and our Inner Self.

So we have found a new personality; but this time it corresponds to ourselves and the inner division and tension that we used to experience almost constantly becomes less with each passing day. We are no longer actors or puppets - but ourselves!!!!! And our life is OUR LIFE!!!! So we go on with joy and love and are excited about what is still to come and come to fruition.


47th Weekly Thought:

Not forgetting!

… we take responsibility for our actions.


We all know situations and times when we have forgotten something again and again - sometimes even ourselves!

Since we are on our way and follow our vision, this sometimes still happens. Only today we have a clear guideline and therefore we do not forget ourselves! Today it is more about tasks that lie ahead of us to move forward.

So the reasons are different or still leftovers from our past behaviour.

Who does not know this!?!

One of the main causes nowadays is the entanglement in social medias and other entertaiment, it's like an addiction.  It also happens to us every now and then that we get distracted by other people.

And also today we have tasks that we have to do for the realisation of our vision, but which we don't like to do or which don't really interest us and therefore we keep putting them off and then forgetting them.

If we have days off or unscheduled free time, we often do personal work and our mind doesn't really get time to rest ... and again we forget some of our duties.

And then there is this multitasking without any real plan or order, which keeps our brain constantly busy - and we end up forgetting the important things again.

So we started to make notices or a written plan! That is good and important. It just contains the danger that we also forget what we haven't written down. Or we have made the plan in such a way that we first plan the pleasant things and the others are then somewhere at the end, we then do one thing after the other and then the last things are also easily forgotten.

So what can we do?

Yes, we need a plan and also notes. The important thing is to have them at a place where we can keep them in front of us so that they really structure our day.

And the most important thing, as we have experienced, is that we have a free mind for even just the plan and the notes. And that we make sure that it stays that way while we are doing our things. Relaxation, prayer, reflection and meditation help us best; we find out for ourselves what helps us best. If we follow this, we soon find that we can really do one thing at a time and the most important thing first. At the end of the day, we then feel an inner satisfaction, joy and happiness. And the success sets in.


46th Weekly Thought:

Our flowing energy

Even when alone, we are aware of being connected with the world; we take our responsibility for our actions and become an important part in the life of others.

So now we are dealing with our energy. Sometimes we feel like we are drained, without energy; sometimes we are "filled to bursting" with energy. In the past, many of us saw this as something over which we had no control and perhaps even sought therapy. But at some point along the way we learn to look more closely.
First of all, we realise that energy always needs a source. In the search for it, we realise that there are two sources for us, but they are somehow connected: one inside us and one outside. If we only give from within, we will eventually be drained and empty. If we only ever take from the outside, we become dependent and remain empty. So both are a trap.
So there always needs to be a mutual relationship.

A wind only arises when there is a difference in air pressure - the greater this is, the stronger the wind.
Electricity only flows when both poles are connected - otherwise it's just like a dead battery. And if the charge carriers are not separated, there is no current.
Creativity only occurs when our inner vision connects with an object.
Activity only arises when there is something to do - whereby it doesn't matter in the first instance whether the impulse comes from inside or outside.
What we are learning now on our way is to connect on the one hand with where our vision is needed and at the same time to pay attention to the exchange between giving and taking! How this is done in our lives is our own responsibility and we should not pass it on or try to make others responsible.
Whenever we achieve this, we realise that we have become one again - with ourselves, our environment and the Almighty Source. And it fills us with a real deep gratitude and joy!!!!

45th Weekly Thought:

Participate and share

Also we learn, that our life will be happy only, when we are sharing with others; and the meaning of our life is not something, what we have to find by a thinking process and a decision but by interaction with other beings.


As we have progressed along the path of our new and better life, we have first had to deal a great deal with ourselves, our own experiences, desires, visions and their realization.We may have discussed this with fellows, but at first we remained alone.

Then we realized that we had found our way and were now walking it. But somehow an important ingredient is missing.

We have all had relevant experiences that can now show us what it is all about.

If we want to cook a meal, we have to mix the necessary things! Only each other they make a perfect meal.

When we have a family meeting coming up, there can be a lot of joy and fun - but no one can do it alone.

We all have friends - but if we look closely, only a few friends we got by ourselves; most of them we met through other friends - so they are mutual friends.

If we are in our profession, then most of the time we need a network for success; a business that is not integrated into the market will not succeed.

So we came to the point where we need and want to turn outward again to become part of a bigger whole and then really get to our fulfilled life.

Also in this step now we have again some new things to learn, because the old rules and behaviours do not fit any more!!!!! If we hold on to them, we will relapse! We will make new experiences, our behaviour changes. And we realize that we have now finally become ourselves and will continue to do so.


44th Weekly Thought:

3 phases: Shock, Habituation, Break-up

I enjoy the level where I am today without comparing with others or the final goal.


In the case of relapses in addicts and also in the case of failures of an activity of our organisation or company, we have learned that this is also part of growth or recovery. It just feels "weird" at first.

But it is the same as what we can see in nature when, for example, a tree is damaged by a storm. First, branches are broken off or the stand has loosened. But life does not give up! It repairs, heals and the roots and branches grow stronger.

It is the same with us. When we have become clean as addicts and then experience a relapse, we are initially shocked and disappointed.

When a professional activity does not bring the usual success, we are also shocked and disappointed at first.

It is important that we realise that this is also a very natural process and leads us to better stability and also growth.

It happens in three phases: first, the shock phase, in which we feel as if we are blocked - and should accept it as such.

Secondly, the habituation phase; it helps us to gain distance and clarity.

And then comes the departure phase, in which we become active again on our path.

Our experience is that later, looking back, we realise that this situation was an important milestone on our path. Some of us even say later: "Without this I would never have made it!

No matter what! Everything happens for the good!!!! And for that we are grateful!


43rd Weekly Thought:

Problem and Solution

If we continue like this, we, on one hand, will lose our vision and on the other hand we live a "bonsai life" (means a life like a tree with everytime cut roots... so we are "mini trees" only).

At the beginning of our journey, we only knew the two usual ways to deal with a problem - "like a tiger that suddenly appears": fight or flee! Even today we sometimes feel this tendency in us when something seems to get in the way. But by now we have gained enough experience to be able to say to ourselves: Our problem is not a tiger! It is only a challenge.

Problem and solution are like a room and a door. When we enter a room, we have to leave through the door. An analysis or endless discussion of the "problem" lead us nowhere! They keep us trapped in the "problem"! And fighting the "problem" or "making it go away" is pointless anyway; it only leads to new "problems". We have become tired of this way and have therefore found "the door"!!!

So now, in such cases, we turn to our visions, goals and tasks and learn to master the challenge. The gain is ours for sure and we can share it with other people who are still "trapped". And next time we are even stronger and more secure and grateful to God and to life!!!
We are guided if we allow and follow our Inner Voice and the cues of our Almighty Teacher. Stability and growth have become a constant part of our lives - regardless of what is happening at the moment or what happened before!!!!

42nd Weekly Thought:

Structure and Flexibility

We are human beings and as such we are learning. Learning is done most of the time by trial and error; so mistakes are a part of the learning and living process. Most of us had learnt, that we are not allowed to make mistakes … and due to this we are not really growing.


Life gives us both the structure and the needed flexibility to sustain and grow. First of all, we feel this physically. As long as we are healthy, we are able to maintain our body and adapt to changing situations. However, this is not done by our mind but by the self within us.

If we try to achieve this with our ego, it most often goes wrong; we become physically ill and mentally hardened, disappointed, blinded and thus mentally ill and/or lose our social, living attitude.

We get and maintain structure through logic, beliefs, habits, etc. Flexibility enables us to integrate new impressions and situations.

If we leave both to our Higher Self, we will constantly grow and come closer to our inner goal. And this is very individual!!!

We have all experienced this: two different people have a well-functioning logic and yet the result is very different because of the different backgrounds. Therefore, instead of arguing about "the truth", it is advisable to first listen to and accept the other person's point of view.

Life itself is structuring and in the same moment flexible. And this life is inside of each of us! What we can see and also experience is, the more we are really living the more we are structuring our life by ourself (in relation with the circumstances) and being flexible when change comes or is needed. And we do not see ourselves as victims but living!


41st Weekly Thought:

Stability and Growth

Stability and growth are a constant part of our lives.


While we are on our way, we have learned that it needs both stability and growth. These are also two sides of the same coin. If one is not there, the other is also lost.

Most of us have experienced something like this: we build a house, furnish a flat or have started a new job; in the beginning it is a hard time, then when it is stable so far, we enjoy it and get used to it - and after some time it becomes "normal" and with it boring or even just a burdon.

Or most of us know something like this too: we are busy with our studies or our work for years; it structures our day and our thinking and often we wish it would "finally be over". Then suddenly our studies are over or we have lost our job and are unemployed. What we notice is that when this lasts longer, we don't enjoy the free time but simply spend it doing meaningless things.

Empires grew, enjoyed the great times and then decline - it is the same with companies. (In Germany there is a saying: the first generation actively builds and works hard, the second generation enjoys the fruits and the third generation leads to ruin.)

Out of this experience our ars steps have emerged. They give us the necessary stability in all circumstances to maintain orientation, direction, creativity, serenity and strength for our lives.


40th Weekly Thought:

Time and Life

We take time and life as friends …


As we are now on our way we realise more and more clearly that time and life belong together in our world - one without the other leads to nothing! (Only God and our Inner Self is beyond this and uses it only as a tool).

When we have a broken bone, it takes time to heal and also the appropriate exercises. - One without the other does not lead to the restoration of the bone.

And if we have a broken heart? - Yes, time can heal it! But not if we stay in bed and cry or so! - That only leads to bitterness, anxiety or depression.

In practical life, almost all of us have also experienced situations like this: we start studying and after some time we realise that our financial situation is not sufficient for it.  If we stick to our vision, we take up a job and continue studying. This is a hard time, especially in the big cities where we can usually only do this.  What we experience is that we are often close to despair and burn out and can only keep going with the help of prayer and reflection. - But then suddenly something happens that is beyond our own influence and that we could not have planned for. We receive an offer, an opportunity, which enables us to continue with our studies without having to continue to use our strength mainly for material subsistence.

Because we held on to our vision all the time and continued as best we could, we now realise that the Almighty was always with us - and we are now very grateful to Him!!!!


39th Weekly Thought:

The path of victory

I enjoy where I am today and understand that life is a never-ending journey.


When we thought of victory, we usually thought of the end of a long and gruelling battle in which some enemy was defeated.

Or we thought of victory in a sporting competition where others were also defeated.

Even today, victories and winners are celebrated - even if the event took place years, decades, centuries or even more than a thousand years ago. We all know such celebrations in our cultures.

But isn't that a wrong concept?

When we looked at it with open eyes: The victory of a sportswoman or a sportsman is not the "day of victory" and the presentation of the gold medal but the victory began on the first day at the first attempt of the person in that sport. The same is true for the victory of freedom - the day the first two people met to stand up for their freedom, victory began.

And from that day on - and if it was really victorious until today - this victory lasts!!! And not only at the annual victory celebration.

And something else we could realise: a true victory is not in defeating others - but in growing beyond our own shortcomings!!!!

And since we live this every day, every minute, we enjoy it and continue to grow without an end!!!!


38th Weekly Thought:

The Terror of Arrogance

… now have the tendency to think about ourselves as great and specially blessed and extraordinary. We feel we can do what ever we want and reach whatever we want, we are all powerful, we know all truth … and that only the other human beings are trying to hinder us reaching our goals and that they are the root of all the evil in our life and the world.


After all these years of being manipulated by others, we have finally found our point of view and our way! First of all, we are happy and share this with others.

Then we see and experience the arrogance of others and how they terrorise the people around them on a small or large scale. No matter if it is family members or people at work and also in the circle of friends.

After trying to address this, we usually distance ourselves from these people as best we can.

Then we see the arrogance in politics, economics, philosophy and religion! And how people are oppressed, manipulated and sometimes even terrorised! And if we say something about it, it comes to rejection and, depending on the society, also to direct terror up to death threats! At least they ignore us and exclude us from the community. Some religious communities also threaten us with damnation by God!

As we feel our powerlessness first hand, we may change communities, flee the state or convert to another religion.

These reactions set us free for a relatively short time - but then we feel that the joy and happiness do not really return!

As we have learned to look at ourselves, we slowly but surely notice that we ourselves are now trying to manipulate other people to transform them according to our insights. Some of us have also joined fundamentalist, dictatorial or terrorist organisations - the tendency is something we all feel sometimes, when we think "somehow they are right". So we have become what we wanted to escape!!! It is our ego that drives us to it.

In order to escape the trap, it is necessary that we recognise that we have found OUR truth and OUR path - and that we want to continue on it. But this also means that we let other people find THEIR truth and THEIR path and support them in doing so.

When we have learned this and begin to live it, we suddenly find that joy and happiness return to us and also to the people around us.  We are a part of something much bigger and when we participate and share this with others, we have learned what it is all about!

And for the first time, we ourselves also feel UNCONDITIONALLY LOVED again!!!! And we also begin to love other people, this world and the Eternal Being unconditionally!


37th Weekly Thought:

On the way

We take time and life as friends and enjoy the continuous flow.


So now we are on our way. We have entered new territory. Every day we experience new things and often challenges come our way. Our task is to let go of the outdated, be it attitudes or ways of acting, and learn something new. What that is depends on both the external circumstances and our own "tools" that we have already acquired in the past. So the path is always our own path; even if we work in a team.

The point now is always to learn what is necessary to make the next step fit. And there is no shortcut for this. In learning, one thing is natural: we make mistakes - because only from these do we learn and grow. And we have learned from the past: “Retake is better than skip. Though you have option to skip it easily!“ And this as often until it fits!!! If we do so, we lay the foundation for our next step.

Sometimes fears and doubts arise - this is also quite natural - and we should not "make them go away", suppress or fight them! We should also be careful not to let them guide us, because they are not good advisors! What we have learned for this case is to go back to our vision and listen to our Inner Voice and follow it. And we will come to know the truth: “Whatever happens, happens for the good.“

When we act in this way, at some point we suddenly feel a smile within us and we get the inkling that we are in a continuous flow and that we ourselves, the Life and the Higher Power are at our side as friends.


36th Weekly Thought:

The Power We Need

We see that time is not in our hands. We experience, that our mind can’t give us a clear decision. We learn that we are powerless... and then become aware, that change is happening silently in our life without our own efforts, and that by the grace of God get the courage to change the things we can.

We can now see clearly, what is our responsibility and what is God's part only.


If we practise steps 0 to 4 actively, consciously and honestly in our everyday life, we realise more and more: we are powerless over most things within us and outside. And at the same time we notice that we are living more and more actively and self-determined! We find the power within us that we need to lead our lives for our own sake and the sake of others. We have become seers and creators and are becoming more and more so! - This has nothing to do with esotericism, religions or philosophies but is nothing but a statement about our reality.

Let's just describe it with the example of buying groceries for a dinner with friends:

It is not in our hands what our bodies need - this is only told to us by our appetite. Not in our hands is what is available on the market - again, we can only look. Not in our hands is what the weather is like outside and when the shops are open. It is also not in our hands whether we are awake and fresh enough to go to the market by car or bicycle or whether it is better to walk or take the bus. And when we have finished cooking and serving the meal, it is also out of our hands whether we and our friends still have an appetite for it and how much of it we can and want to eat.

So are we completely powerless and only controlled by powers stronger than ourselves? - No!!! In our hands is the here and now, our attention inwards and outwards. We can ask ourselves and our friends what we are hungry for; we can make a list of the things we need to buy and see if and where we can get them. We can decide how to get to the market and what to wear for the weather. We can decide how to cook and prepare things and if we need to make any changes to make it taste good and digestible. We can also have our say on what the mood is like when we eat together.

This is not only true for "simple things" like having dinner together, but also for building our relationships, our work, our business and all other parts of our lives.

In the Here and Now, this power is within us and we can connect with it and become seers and creators - and when we do this, we notice that our ego (our self-description) and our mind change ... and our life becomes more and more our own fulfilled and contented life. (If we look at our religions, we will notice that this is also exactly what the message is - just unfortunately often not passed on in understandable and clear language).


35th Weekly Thought:

An Active Lifestyle

... the courage to change the things we can,

... and the wisdom to know the difference.


Our life is only really a life if we lead an active lifestyle. But what is the difference with "just living along"?

First of all, we realise that a really active life is only possible in real life. Being active on the internet, getting or giving out likes and other icons and being busy reading or spreading posts is a reactive, passive life - but not an active life. A virtual, artificial world is not reality. Only in reality do we experience reality, create reality and grow and enjoy it.

The next thing we notice is that being active requires that it comes from our own desire. If we are driven or just follow some guidelines and rules, we are "busy" and sometimes even rushed - but this is not a really active life either and we end up feeling exhausted and looking for compensation.

The third thing we learn is that we only really live actively with a real vision. Just walking around or flying is not enough for an active life. Even a bird flies around looking for food and returns to the nest to feed its chicks. That is the vision behind it. For us, it is the four human goals and our own visions that have emerged from them that drive us and lead us to the satisfaction we long for.


34th Weekly Thought:

Becoming One

Being guided by our Higher Power we are able to decide, what fits for us, and get the courage to change the things we can.


In our everyday life, we are often confused by all the impressions, tasks, desires. And when we are also „on the go“ in the social media, we lose ourselves completely. We feel overwhelmed, drained, torn and left alone. And the more active we are, the worse it gets!

Only when we find ourselves again, our own centre, does this stop. There are countless ways to get there - worldwide and known for thousands of years in all societies and religions are prayer, reflection and meditation.

When we walk this path, we suddenly feel that we are absolutely not alone and that there are not "a thousand things" that want to keep us from being ourselves. It's our senses and our mind that are causing this, if we don't use them but run after it all.

So when we have managed to find ourselves again and then look at our reality including our visions, we can ask: What can I do now? (But not: What should I do now?!).

By listening, we get the answer. And we are empowered to then do so!

At the same time, we feel a serene composure to accept the things over which we currently have no influence.

And whenever we "feel out of round" we return here and let ourselves be guided by this Higher Power. The more regularly we do this, the more in tune we are with ourselves and the world!


33rd Weekly Thought:

Growing into the Vision

Yes, we accept and embrace our vision and in the same moment all other aspects inside and outside of us. And we accept the gap between that what is and our vision.


Logically, there is a gap between our reality today and our vision - it may be small or large.  But that is not important! What is important is that we learn about our shortcomings and how to overcome them.

For example, if we want to be a singer/songwriter, then it is obvious that we need to learn to sing and maybe we need to be able to play an instrument. These are the clear and obvious shortcomings that need to be overcome.

But much more important are the hidden shortcomings; things we don't know about: like how to reach not only our heart with our singing, but also that of the listeners. And then perhaps also how we can manage to stand confidently on stage. Without this, we will never make it.

Or if we want to go to another country, then it is clear that we learn the language used there and inform ourselves about the social behaviour there - without judging, of course! - and try to learn them as well.

But even if we have done this conscientiously, we will notice after a relatively short time that we feel somehow uncomfortable - as if something is missing. But in reality, it simply takes our inner perception much longer to emotionally experience the other way of behaving! This can sometimes take years!

The same happens when we try to change our country, the world, religious or social or political conditions. - We may succeed with more or less force - but as we can see everywhere and at any time - it has no real success!!!! Because people's attitudes and thought constructs and also our own have not really changed.We were collectively against something - but not clear about what for!


32nd Weekly Thought:

The Life in Our Hands

Having a vision does not mean that we can rape, terrorize or manipulate others or even ourselves. If we do, we will definitely land in chaos, confusion, destruction, poverty, permanent war and struggle ... and at the end questioning or losing our own vision.

The gift of this step is a peaceful and grateful mind.


One of the most important experiences we have has to do with our responsibility. We notice that we see it differently and that it is changing.

We are responsible for our work and tasks. Even if they seem too small or too big. If we don't work hard at it, then we don't use our abilities. And then we cannot blame our luck or fate for the bad result. It was our error. We were irresponsible.

This applies to all our activities and also to what we say and think. All this is only in our hands. 

Paying attention to our partners, classmates, colleagues and sharing as a responsible person is also part of it.

We are not responsible for what others do or think about what we do and think. 

Nor for what others want to hold us responsible for. 

Nor are we responsible for the problems and feelings of others. They are theirs!!!

Step by step we realise what is in our hands and take responsibility for it. It is much more than we believed - and much less than we were led to believe. We recognise our freedom. Our Inner Voice and Vision shows us the way. And our life and the Higher Power gives us the tasks we have to learn and master.

Our key is our recognition of our reality.


31st Weekly Thought:

Our New Way

We embrace all new impressions without rejecting or forcing anything.


Having left our comfort zone and now living this better life in a better world, new challenges naturally come our way!

We have a lot to learn - and much of it is not exactly pleasant at the beginning! No!! No more comfort zone!!!!!

Just like when we want to climb a mountain, our muscles ache, we run out of breath and we are often exhausted, it is the same on our way!

We will experience our previous limitations, which have hindered us from moving forward. They are our weaknesses and errors of the past!

We experience disappointments, criticism and sometimes rejection and mockery.

It might be shocking and sometimes doubts arise within us.

Without being aware of it most of the time and without others seeing it, we learn discipline, diligence, perseverance, bravery and sometimes to sacrifice our comfort for our cause.

Success is really painful learning, but without pain, success never comes!

At this moment, the only thing we need to do is to always keep in touch with people who are walking the same path and actively exchange our impressions and insights with them.The more we do this, the better and faster we progress!

Our experience is: It is 100% true ... and it is worth taking the path!


30th Weekly Thought:

Confusion, fear and anger

So it can happen that we start rejecting all the circumstances, in which we live now, and forcefully try to change all things as fast as possible … but this is not possible and we will start suffering again if we try like this.


When we walk our path of a better life in a better world, we automatically always come to points of change.

Since it is the task of our ego to provide security and stability, obstacles then always appear. Mostly they are confusion, fear and anger. In order to move forward, it is important to accept these signals, but not to let them guide us. Otherwise we will fall back!

Confusion costs our time, energy and sometimes money. So it is better to listen within than to think & think & think.....

Some tasks we think we are not perfect. And we have fear... and in the end the result is rather bad and worse and worse....

We also get angry very easily about our own work, about the work of others or about our activities, but in reality we get bad results because of anger. Nobody will work with an angry person. On the other hand, a friendly person automatically gets cooperation from others. When we make decisions with anger, we always get new problems that make us even angrier.

If we don't get caught up in it, we keep learning and growing - and confusion, fear and anger decrease on their own.


29th Weekly Thought:

New Impressions

... now we are open for the new impressions, new experiences, new aspects of reality … and it is important to remain there for a while, because our „normal“ mind immediately tries to judge again!

We have made a clear decision. We have learned to be in the here and now with an open mind and senses!  So now we are on our journey of a better life in a better world!!!!

Sometimes we are now overcome with amazement or even confusion! So many new impressions that we perceive within ourselves and outside!!!!
Several million sensory impressions reach us per second. Tens of thousands of thoughts buzz through our mind per day. Even in normal everyday life, innumerable information reaches us; nowadays, add to this the often incomprehensible "messages" on the internet and the "social media" to which we expose ourselves.
All these conscious and unconscious perceptions we should first of all simply absorb! We have a clear goal!!!!

If we now allow our previous ways of thinking and beliefs to return, we will fall back into our old lives!
He who has ears to hear, hear; he who has eyes to see, see. Everything lies open in front of us! We only have to perceive it!

28th Weekly Thought:

Clear Decisions

Affirmations: HE is closer to me than my thoughts! I am the way! I am the truth! I am the life!


We have taken the time and rest. We have dis-covered and de-veloped our visions for our lives in all areas. And we have done this with concentration and love. Now we need the approval of our Inner Voice for all this. We will get it plain and clear!  (If not, then we look where something is missing or not quite right).

Then we come to the point of decision. We need our own clear "YES"! It is like a contract we make with our Inner Higher Self, God (or whatever we call it). Again, we should be sincere and honest! - Otherwise, all this is nothing but "pious thoughts and words" that will not carry and guide us as we know!

We should be clear that from now on our life will change step by step. We have to be ready to say goodbye: habits, attitudes, behaviours and sometimes even familiar places and people will be let go!

If we are then really and honestly ready and have said "YES", the journey of our better life in a better world has begun. We will feel it very quickly!!!



27th Weekly Thought:

Beginning the journey

If you are in a situation, where you ask yourself for what you are living, you will experience, that you are not able to create your own vision and/or to give your life a meaning by yourself. And even if you have an idea, you come to know, that you don't have enough strength to carry it out.

Our life has dreams ... but not a single dream! And which of them will be successful and which will not, we do not know - but only a power greater than ourselves! And even we don't know whether a dream that comes true really becomes what we wish for deep inside us and what then became of our other dreams!?!
Therefore, it makes sense to first look for the vision within ourselves and to take this as our guideline - because then we get clarity, a direction and when we then align our activities accordingly, we notice that our power increases step by step and this life lived in this way gives us real quality of life and joy.
We notice while we are working on it that we cannot think up our vision - not even with scientific or any world-view "findings". This Inner Vision is implanted in us like a seed from birth - and we all have such a vision of our own!
Just as a driver must have a clear announcement from his passenger as to where the journey is to go, our ego also needs a clear announcement from our Inner Higher Power, our Self respectively our Inner Voice.
Without this, we remain in our comfort zone, which becomes more and more an uncomfortable zone that we cannot escape even with the boldest dreams and other flashy images or a "virtual reality".
So vision - work - output - power - quality life - vision - work ... is the circle or spiral of a fullfilling and fullfilled life!

26th Weekly Thought :

Ego and Self

If we take a little time and look at these people and compare them with those who have failed up to now, the, the difference is very clear ... they found a power greater than theirselves ... something greater than the ego. And many of them call it God. (We will not make the mistake to describe this power, we only accept that it is existing ... and that these people have came in contact with this Higher Power).


When we look at what controls us, we find that there are three types: Most people are controlled by money, opinion leaders, society, a religious or other worldview community. And we all know this tendency!!!! - Our life is then nothing but the fluttering of a leaf in the wind! We are then dead although we are alive.

A second - smaller - group allows itself to be controlled by its ego - are therefore egoists or egocentrics. They let themselves be controlled by what they have experienced and "learned" in the past and what they want to do differently/better. We all know this too! But our life is then nothing but a negative, a reversal of what happened in the past and what controls us! Our control is then through feelings, emotions and thoughts; this is the real addiction of life! And dangerous like all addictions!!! We may then seem to be "successful" - but in the end we fail in any case!

A third - still very small - group, however, follows their Inner Self. We all know this too - at least from time to time. A hunch emerges in us, a sudden insight, intuition combined with a clarity that is otherwise alien to us. If we follow it, then this clarity increases; our own vision emerges and from it our path, which we simply need to follow voluntarily!

And slowly, step by step, we notice that we are now - thank God - on the path of a better life in a better world! And that we are not alone, but that some people have already found this path since time immemorial and are still walking it today!


25th Weekly Thought :

Source and guidance

We seek conscious contact with a Power greater than ourselves, and become willing to follow these inner visions.


We all know situations and states of life in which we clearly feel our powerlessness or lack of plan. This is not weakness but a deep insight into our lives! And it would be good if we would realize this more often instead of constantly continuing the pointless and unsuccessful struggle of our ego.

If we look closely, we see that our ego is nothing but a construct of our thoughts. What we wanted yesterday, we have already forgotten today and replaced it with something else. Often we have a wish - but not the strength to realise it. Or we can realise it - and then realise that it was actually not what we had hoped for and that we have harmed ourselves or others with it. So we can't do it with the ego!

But we have an "instance" within us that lets us get up again and again, gives us strength, new insights, ideas, visions; and that lovingly guides us at all times. - This is this power greater than ourselves, which we call Higher Power, our (immortal) Self, Inner Voice, God within us... or whatever.

When we turn to it and follow it, we realise to our deep gladness that our life is changing step by step towards what we have always wanted deep inside us!And doors open up that we did not even know existed.



24th Weekly Thought :

The Garden of Life

If we start living in the here and now we get a lot of informations, can love and enjoy a lot of joyful situations, meet new people, making new friendships … and find open doors for the next steps.

Now that we have finally arrived in the Here and Now, we realise that this is the ONLY place we have been given. It is like a garden that we see as gardeners and where we can decide for ourselves what to sow, plant and let grow! Here and now lies our only possibility to make decisions - this is solely our responsibility!

Only here and now is reality! Because only here and now can our senses perceive and we receive the necessary information.
And only what we do (or don't do) here and now influences our further life.
What we find here and now is the result of our past.

Current preparation or hard work give us a better future. Just like a student who prepares well and then brings this to the exam, thus positively influencing the result. The result is not in our hands, but the preparation and execution is!
With proper guidance we can do our preparation perfectly ..then our future also can be perfect.

23rd Weekly Thought:

Leaving the comfort zone

Also all kinds of entertainment of the modern world like internet, TV etc. is distracting us from the here and now. We nowadays face a growing number of persons, who are not able to switch of their smartphones … even when they paid a lot of money for a consultation or seminar.


The moment we started our journey by stopping our outer activities, something strange happened! After a short pause, we thought of all kinds of things we should, wanted to or could do - and we are out of the here and now again! ... And the journey ended before it could really begin!!!

But if we continue with the pause, we notice that we suddenly feel "uncomfortable"; we have left the comfort zone!!!!! It is our ego that feels threatened, as it only arises and exists through the relationship with the outside world (incl. our thoughts). We feel emptiness, boredom, irritation, fear, meaninglessness and uselessness. But it is a deception!

If we continue to pause, we will suddenly feel inner peace and tranquillity and a new and vast freedom will emerge!


And we notice that we have actually sought - but never found - this "place" with all our previous activities; or if we did, then usually only for a brief moment.



22nd Weekly Thought:

No Stop – No Start!

We take all the needed time and space to reach here and now.


At first it sounds strange for most of us to give ourselves time and space to arrive here and now; yet it is actually quite natural! We cannot start something new until we have stopped with the old!

This is true on a small scale, when we "work through" our daily to-do list, as well as on a large and fundamental scale, when we want to start a new and better life in a better world.

How much space and time we need depends entirely on us, our situation and the goal. For daily tasks, it may be sufficient to leave the room for five minutes after an item on the list and take a break before moving on to the next item. For fundamental changes, it can also be half a year or a year in a different environment to find ourselves again.

In all countries and religions of the world there are holidays, in many countries a weekly day of rest. We should use all of this - to find ourselves again!!!!

There are countless instructions and advice for the "how", and we alone can decide which of these we can apply! The important thing is the time out itself, and the only really important thing is that we do not fill the time with anything else, and certainly do not follow today's bad habit of taking the smartphone with us!!!! Because then it was all for nothing!

So let's start NOW with STOP! - It's worth it!!!!!


21st Weekly Thought:

The only place to start

The first obstacle we have to face is the function of mind to be in the future or past. We are  dreaming of or fearing a future, we are missing or regret something what happened in the past …


We have learnt in step 0 not to judge with "good" or "bad" or so and now use the different adjectives for discribing what we see or experience . This trap of mind is behind us and we are ready to decide by ourselves - with guidance of our Inner Voice - what fits for us and what not etc.!

Now with step 1 we learn about the next trap of mind: being most of the time in past or future instead of in the only living moment: NOW. And the other part is that mind and senses are going around and be attracted by all these different things (including these nowadays social media, internet posts etc.) and so we loose the contact to HERE - the only real place, where we have to decide, what to do! ... In a Mega-City the city govt. thought about the growing numbers of accidents of pedestrians because of looking on their smartphone instead obeserving the traffic on street - and came to the idea, to place light signals on the ground, so that people who are always looking only downwards may see the warning from the signal. THIS IS MODERN WORLD!!!!! - And we can learn of this: the only chance to live is to control our senses to observe the area, where we are in the moment!

So let's start here and now! We are welcome!!!


20th Weekly Thought:

An open door!

If we start living a life without judging we come to know a very interesting new reality … and can start an active and self guided life.


After we have given up judging everything, we notice that a door opens! At first it is only a faint hunch, a changed feeling - but then we realise: Paradise is not infinitely far in the beyond - but closer than our (judging) thoughts!

At first, all this may look chaotic, so many and partly even seemingly contradictory things we have discovered. And yet this is reality; these are the building blocks from which we can build our lives. So let's first accept it all as it is!

We realise that we have also not lost our desires, visions and also aversions - all our previous experiences have also remained with us! If we look precisely, we notice that everything even appears much clearer now! And an inner peace returns - we now have something like a map in front of us and feel that it is we who can now decide where our path should lead us. We are no longer driven or determined by others.

This applies not only to big life decisions but also to the small things we have to deal with in everyday life. So we are starting a kind of new way of life or a new phase of life and will now discover step by step how to go on. The door is open!!!


19th Weekly Thought:

The miracle of "and“

In the beginning this seems to be very difficult … and we notice our mind judging all the time.

How many times in one hour you think „This/he/she is right“, „This/he/she is wrong"?

But does this mean, that we have to believe, that all is right? - Definitely not … it only means, that we are not the judge!!!! Neither for our own nor for the life of others!!!!!


When we want to start or change something, it is important to first look at what is available. This applies to simple things like cooking a meal - but also to fundamental things like change in life.

The prerequisite is always the same: an inventory of what is. It doesn't matter whether it's material things or feelings, weather, place, knowledge, wishes, illnesses or whatever.

Mixing our opinion, views, desires and goals with what we find is first of all counterproductive - because then we do not see reality, but only our judgement of it.

A simple example that we have all experienced is that we would like to cook our favourite dish and then realise that we have all the ingredients - only the onions (or something else) are missing. Immediately our mind starts: "I want to cook my favourite dish - but the onions are missing!" ... And already we are sad, disappointed or even angry and turn away from the idea of the dish.

The same thing happens when, for example, we see nice weather outside, realise that we have time and the right clothes and think of our depression. Here, too, our mind immediately starts: "I want to go outside - but I have my depression." ... And then we feel even more depressed, helpless and hopeless.

This kind is not an inventory - but a judging! And with that we cut ourselves off from our own life!!!

In an inventory - as suggested by Step 0 - we simply "list" what is! And this usually goes quite easily! We only need to replace the word "but" with "and" - just as we would do in a business inventory.

Then the two statements would be a little different without suppressing or overlooking anything: "I want to cook my favourite dish and the onions are missing." "I want to go out and I have depression."

This small difference in perception makes it possible for us to then make a decision on how to proceed - without stopping us from our goal or desire.

It sounds simple! It is so simple! And it works!!!! Let's just try it out!


18th Weekly Thought:

Don’t judge!

Judging ourselves, the persons around us, our circumstances, other religions, other societies or whatever is only binding our strength and a misuse of our mind. We can't see our positive vision as long as we are focused on the negative aspects. (This is why religions teach us not to judge!)


We all know this judging from our daily lives:

The best example at the moment is that we have something against climate change; almost everyone does! And the result? We demand "We have to stop doing this and this and this right now to save the climate."The end result is the feeling that we have to give up more and more things and behaviours that we have grown to love.  - and the future seems dull!

Another example is the so-called healthy diet: we read, hear and learn more and more about things that are "not healthy" and should not be eaten. The result is not that we become healthier but that we ask ourselves more and more insecurely: "What should I eat? What is healthy?" - And in the end we end up with the strange products of the fake food industry, food supplements or some extreme nutritional sects.

Another attitude present in almost everyone is judging others. As soon as a few acquaintances or "friends" meet, it starts: "Did you see what the neighbour did yesterday? "Did you hear what was reported about Minister XY on TV today?" or "How can people be so inconsiderate today?!" The very popular "shitstorms" in social media are also part of it. - And as a result, at first we all seem to agree and feel "in the right". What we don't connect with this is that we believe that others treat us the same way and therefore we are constantly judging and hiding ourselves. And we wonder about our increasing insecurities, fears, self-aggressions or even depressions. For some, even only mind-altering substances, alcohol or other "feel-good" offers appear as a way out. 

And those who have read everything up to this point are now saying to themselves: "Thank God I'm not like that!" ... Have you noticed? You have fallen right into this trap of our mind!

But it is actually quite simple!

Let's ask ourselves: "What seems to me to be a liveable environment for me?" "What is my body really hungry for?" "How do I really want to behave and think towards others and myself?"

The answer always comes from our Inner Voice.

And our steps show us how to get there, step by step!


17th Weekly Thought:

I am as I am – and all is as it is!

If we want to start, it is only possible to start from the place where we are - and as the person that we are. Otherwise we are only wasting our time and strength … and this is what we mainly are doing.


When we look at our lives, it is really strange to see that we are not "living" as ourselves or in reality.

A main obstacle we all know is this "if - then..."!

"If I wouldn't have this fear, then I could finally live my life the way I really wanted to."

"If I had more money, then I could have a nice flat."

"If I were not married, then I could finally spend my free time with my friends."

"If I were married, then I could have a nice and happy time."

"If I were not born in my religion, then I would not have these feelings of guilt all the time."

"If our government would finally make a different policy, then our world would look better!"

"If today the weather weren't so bad, then I could enjoy my day off."

This list could probably be continued endlessly.

But the effect is always the same: because we don't accept ourselves and our circumstances, we can't live what we inwardly feel is our life. Because with this attitude we block ourselves and at some point we end up in bitterness, depression or addictions and other substitute satisfactions.

But if we accept ourselves and the conditions as they are, then we can release our creative spirit and begin to see our desires and goals again and take creative first steps, learn from the experiences and thus become who we actually are and make our contribution to a life as we imagine it. This is what we were born for, and Step 0 opens the door for this!


16th Weekly Thought:

It’s so simple!

And it's so simple to live a meaningfull life! You don't need anything, you have all you need for this! You don't believe!?! Try it out! NOW!

We share what we are and what we have for serving others!

And our meaning comes by its own!

Our 7 steps are tailormade for this!


By doing our daily tasks and letting our Inner Voice guide us, our meaning fulfils itself! If we do not fulfil our tasks because we are busy with other things, our meaning in real life is lost very quickly.

One of the most evil ways of acting, which for some time was considered a virtue, is multitasking. On the one hand, we automatically lose contact with our Inner Voice and instead follow other impulses from inside or outside. On the other hand, it is also the case that we do not really concentrate on our tasks and apply ourselves in order to achieve a good result, but we believe that we get more meaning if we get more and more done in less and less time. We can experience the result without having to think about it in our own lives as well as in the whole world: things are going downhill! We may have a lot of fun, earn a lot of money, get great respect from others or gain an apparent security in our job - but since all this is void, in the end we are left with nothing!

Another kind of evil is to hold on to our attitudes, views, courses of action and plans and to reject anything new. This may make us feel comfortable in our comfort zone for some time, but soon we see things unravelling around us and fear growing within us.

A creative, vibrant life is something different!

By following the guidelines of our 7 steps we achieve such a life - our very own life - in a very simple way! And since these steps are simply guidelines and in no way tell us what to do or not to do, there is no danger of losing ourselves if we simply apply them in our daily lives.



15th Weekly Thought:

Illusion and Reality

We are all born with a unique combination of gifts and talents. While living our life - how good or bad it may have been till now - we have learned a lot of things things! Without exception!!!


Our meaning comes from using what we have and can for others.

Conversely, when we use our skills and knowledge to gain meaning and often even want to achieve "the best for others", we often succumb to a dangerous deception!

If we as parents want to protect our children from all kinds of dangers and guard them, we are not helping them to grow and become independent, but we are preventing them from doing so and making them easy victims later on.

If we believe that we have to enforce a religious or political truth for the sake of all - if necessary also with pressure and violence - then we are not world saviours or God's servants, but demagogues, dictators, terrorists or even murderers who destroy exactly what they want to build - at least in the long run.

When we are on social media, posting a lot and actively participating, more and more of us believe that we are socially engaged and helping others with that. In reality, however, we are gradually unlearning how to act socially and self-responsibly, and are increasingly becoming nothing more than a burden to those closest to us and to society. Nor will we grow and become more and more informed, more and more educated, but we will sink into emptiness, stupidity and helplessness.

So if we want to live up to our meaning, we can only do so by taking responsibility for our behaviour, perceiving the real result for others and then learning from it to correct existing shortcomings.

In this way, our true meaning is given to us without having to worry about it! And we will be full of gratitude and happiness!


14th Weekly Thought

Becoming One

We share what we are and what we have for serving others!
And our meaning comes by its on!

Most of us have always tried to distinguish ourselves from others; our idea was that we can only gain meaning if we highlight our uniqueness.
What we have overlooked is that our meaning only comes about when we bring ourselves into a greater whole. Our meaning is therefore a reflection of our participation.

Why are we so afraid of becoming part of something?
It has something to do with our past, our upbringing by parents, educators, society and also religion. We all wanted and want to be loved - what we are looking for is what most of us experienced in very young childhood and what is the goal of all of us again today, whether we know it or not: unconditional love.
When we were babies, we received unrestricted attention, but as we grew older, this was increasingly restricted by rules, commandments and prohibitions. - As a result, many of us have lost themselves completely, or at least partially, a long time ago! And in the end, we even no longer love ourselves!

We have therefore aligned our natural - and if you like, God-given - striving for recognition, meaning, belonging and love with these rules, commandments and prohibitions, or else we have fought them. But both of these do not work, because we have lost ourselves in the process and no matter how far we have come with that, we have never been able to achieve this goal. The result is fear, depression or aggression! Addiction is also a symptom of this.

So how do we get out of this trap?
First of all, we have to explore ourselves and the circumstances in which we live. And then welcome all this first of all.
When we have arrived in the here and now, we can listen to ourselves and hear our self, our soul and our inner voice again. And when we then look outwards from this point of view, we recognise our path and can then follow it step by step. And at some point we realise that we have found this oneness we have been searching for so long.  We feel a new freedom, a new happiness and the fulfilment we have longed for.

13th Weekly Thought:

Meaning and Recognition

We are meaningful !!!                    

We are all born with a unique combination of gifts and talents. As we live our lives - however good or bad it may have been so far - we have learned many things! Without exception!!!


But most of us strive for meaning and recognition. Why?

 We are all born - as with the other three goals - with this seed that is within us and growing through our very normal lives.

The fact that we do not feel our meaning can be due to several causes; but these are within us and not the world!!!

Our first and most frequent mistake is that we compare ourselves with others ... then feel inferior and strive for "higher".

Many people - even world-famous ones - have despaired and failed because of this.

Another common mistake is that we envy people who are oh so famous, well-known and influential. Then we also want to be like them and "imitate them". The result is that we may actually achieve this goal and then feel empty, burnt out, used and unloved deep inside! Because then we are not really us, but merely actors, and the fame or success is not ours, but only relates to the role we have played.

Our path to our significance is then quite different; first of all, we acknowledge ourselves, our talents, skills, knowledge and experience, as well as our needs, desires, visions, and so on. We develop these and use them for the sake of others.

How to do this successfully is described in our 7 steps.


12th Weekly Thought:


Looking around in this beautifull world we see that all is prospering … and we are a part of this world … and so also we are here to prosper! And prosperity is again one of our inborn rights!!!!!

Prospering means to follow our inner plan and guidance.  …

For the sake of all humans and the world!


Creativity is the creative power of our Creator and within us. We are an inseparable part of this whole process - without interruption, without onesidedness, without delay and even without effort!

We do not need religion or philosophy to realise this! It lies open before our eyes! But all religions also convey this realisation; it is even their main message! Unfortunately, for us people today, it is often expressed quite incomprehensibly.

Our life only becomes really alive when we actively participate in it - and that means being creative!

Why then do we not live such a full and fulfilling life all the time? - The answer lies in a function of our mind that constantly compares us; this gives rise to our ego, which then, however, moves into "right and wrong", "good or evil" etc. and we are then trapped in our thought buildings, which often has tragic consequences such as quarrels, war, terror, oppression, destruction; but also causes in us dissatisfaction, insecurity, envy, fear, anger and rage, depression and even life fatigue. All the addictions also have this cause.

The moment we stop judging ourselves, others and the whole world and follow our Inner Voice and Guidance, our Inner Visions and Needs and enter into a selfless exchange with others and the world, we will suddenly be free, happy and alive to the true meaning of our lives.

Our 7 steps help us to walk this path. It works!!!


11th Weekly Thought:

100% success

We are are unique and we have a seed and plan inside … and if we are listening to this inner guidance, we don't have to think about how we can reach prosperity …


100% success? That sounds strange and utopian to most of us at first! And yet it is! So why don't we see it?

It is the concept, our belief, that prevents us from seeing the truth!!!!

Success is nothing but the result of all our activities under the given circumstances. We can easily affirm this after a brief reflection. But why then should it be 100%?

The answer is that it is because of what we measure success by. If, for example, we have 1,000 "friends" in the social media - and we wanted exactly nothing else than such applause - then we are happy about the success! But if in reality we were looking for friends, then we will realise that this wish, this goal, did not find fulfilment - so NO success! The same applies when we see world-famous pop stars who were so "extraordinarily successful worldwide" - but then died of alcohol or drug abuse or committed suicide because they were actually looking for a circle of friends. Someone else may only be very popular as a musician in his village and enjoys his success every time he is invited to a party. In both cases, however, it can also be the other way round!

Another mistake is when we compare ourselves with other people; we will always find someone richer, poorer, faster, slower, better, worse, etc.

So there is only one way to recognise our success: by comparing it with the desires, visions and needs we have within ourselves - and also taking into account the circumstances within and around us as well as the colourful bouquet of ideas of how our life should be.

And if we look inside ourselves in this way and listen to our inner voice, we will realise: YES! WE ALWAYS HAVE 100% SUCCESS!!!!

The guidance and power to this success lies within us and is closer to us than our thoughts!!!! In each of us at every moment!!!!! And for this we are grateful!


10th Weekly Thought:

Poverty and Wealth

Looking around in this beautifull world we see that all is prospering … and we are a part of this world … and so also we are here to prosper! And prosperity is again one of our inborn rights!!!!!

Prospering means to follow our inner plan and guidance.


When we look at poverty and wealth, the first impression we usually have is that they are opposites. And that we should therefore fight poverty. - This is what we do in most societies and also when we consider ourselves poor.

But as we see, this fight against it does not work!

That is because the concept is wrong!

Poverty and wealth are not opposites but the two ends of a continuum - just as hot and cold are only a question of temperature. Or like left and right. So we all have a current certain level of wealth.

A second misconception is to limit this only to financial or material wealth, as is done in the capitalist worldview worldwide today.

We all possess a whole lot!!! This also includes time, thoughts, abilities, ideas, knowledge, experiences, relationships, physical and mental power and strength and and and ....

Our growth and with that our way out of poverty begins the moment we become aware of it - and then consciously use this individual mixture of qualities and abilities for ourselves and others.

Only self-pity, greed and envy are a bottomless pit! They keep us empty and poor - no matter how much we do or have!

So let's start today! Then experience, strength and hope will be on our side and we will become what we have actually always been - a human being growing in wealth!

Our 7 steps are a simple way!


9th weekly thought:

Take the chance!

We are not in need! All we need we have! So let's prosper now!

For the sake of all humans and the world!

Our 7 steps guide us the way!


How often in our everyday lives do we sit around and think about all the things we don't have and yet would so like to have. - But has that really brought us anything so far?!

 Yes, it has brought us something: a feeling of lack, self-pity and the hopelessness or even the meaninglessness of our lives!

We think that we don't want to go on living like this - we want to live in fullness NOW!

The most important thing we need for this is to change our perspective! Our 7 steps therefore recommend in step 0 - that is, before we can even start - that we first welcome what we have - and here it is important that we do not simply make a material inventory but also look at all the treasures resting in us that we have not used so far or have used senselessly! Even if we had nothing materially and were perhaps even unemployed and without income at the moment - we still have time! And then, in the later steps, the question arises as to what we want to and can use this time for!

Real growth and true prosperity can only come from what we have available at the moment. - And already at the moment we start to look at this, we get a first feeling of abundance and opportunities that we did not see before!!!

So let us start our fulfilled life in prosperity NOW by looking at ourselves and our circumstances as they are - without judging them - and welcome them!!! (And this may include our own desires and visions for our future! For they too are a gift to us and to others!!!)



8th weekly thought:

Bliss and Joy of Life
Religions deal with happiness; they all are in this world only for to show us a way to and – more than this - a way of happiness.
Why then many religious persons are so unhappy? Why then religions are so often the source of  unhappiness?
Why then so many persons are unhappy? Why then we are so often unhappy?
The answer is simple! Happiness exists in the Here and Now only ... happiness never is in future!!!
As little children most of us were realy happy; we enjoid every moment and we were a source of happiness for our families and all the others around us. - So living happily can't be something we have to learn! It is nothing for what we need rules, technics, special things, knowledge or whatever!!! Living happily is something that we do out of ourselves as long as we don't have others concepts or aims in mind!
Bliss is something that just happens to us suddenly and unprepared. It is a moment of absolute oneness combined with a deep knowing that everything is good and right and a feeling of infinite gratitude and joy. The moment our ego turns on - even just to show or tell someone else, for example - it is gone. What remains is the knowledge of the truth of this experience for our whole life.
Joy of life comes from switching off our judging ego and accepting and welcoming ourselves and life as we are or as it is.The ego is important for us to be able to distinguish between what suits us and what does not. If we allow the ego to rape us and life with concepts of „right and wrong“, it becomes a destroyer and creates all the suffering it claims to protect us from.

7th Weekly Thought:

Entertainment and Fun

We need joy, fun and all the other forms of happiness like our daily bread!!!!

If we see an unhappy person, we see an ill person.This is everywhere in the world, in all cultures, all religions, all societies.


Entertainment and fun are also two important things in our lives.

When we see what happens when these are suppressed or "regulated", we see that this also leads to a reduction in liveliness, activity and vitality. - They are the "time out" we need to get distance from our everyday life and also from ourselves.

On the other hand, there is also a danger here: entertainment and fun can be consumed. Therefore, if we are not really satisfied with our lives - and at the same time do not know an easy way to change this - we are in danger of becoming dependent on these things, no matter what kind of fun and entertainment it is. This is particularly evident nowadays with the offers that are available on the internet.  The result is that our real lives become even emptier and less attractive, and we end up feeling emptiness and darkness inside.

So it is important that we enjoy all the forms of entertainment and fun on the one hand - like the salt in the soup - but on the other hand value and promote our own real life, because only here we find true happiness!


6th Weekly Thought:

Happiness – Humour and Flow

Happiness for us is like the water we need.

Like we can’t live without water – our body mainly consists of water – so we can’t live without happiness!

Our real nature is happiness.


Our lives are in a constant state of change - whether we like it or not! This applies to physical, mental and social areas.

Whenever we freeze, want to hold on to something, are not ready for change, something is blocked - we are sick. Regardless of whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

We are healthy when we maintain and respect this flexibility on a physical as well as on a mental and social level! This state is called flow. We feel this when we feel free, full of energy and happy.

This relationship is also drawn in medicine - both modern and traditional.

In modern medicine it refers to the body fluids including hormones and other messenger substances; in Indian medicine Ayurveda it is called rasa and dosha; the term used for it in Greek-Arabic medicine Unani is akhlat.


5th Weekly Thought:

Happiness and Life

We insist to be happy and enjoy life

Happiness for us is like the water we need!                                                                                                                                                                                             

Like we can't live without water – our body mainly consists of water – so we can't live without happiness!

Our real nature is happiness. So happiness is an other of  our inborn rights!

We need joy, fun and all the other forms of happiness like our daily bread!!!!


If we see an unhappy person, we see an ill person.This is everywhere in the world, in all cultures, all religions, all societies.


We lead a happy life when we have a corresponding mindset and live according to it in our everyday life.

We have experienced it! It works!!!

MSI: "My main intention is to encourage people to implement their own dreams. I want to help others to work towards this goal and at the same time implement my own dream. And want to bring people into the mentality that will help other people."

DHS: "My main desire is to support people to be free, to overcome obstacles and shortcomings and thereby find their own life, which is present in each of us as a seed - and to live this better life!"



4th Weekly Thought:

Freedom and structure

In this "positive" mode, a total different of our old programs - than in the "negative" freedom – starts: we take time and fill it with the things we want. We are relaxed, in a positive mood, even many bodily and mental dis-eases are reduced sooner or later and physical, mental and social well-being (= WHO: definition of health) occurs. It is also a pretty good and well proven program for to live.


At first glance, freedom and structure seem contradictory - but they are not! They belong together like breathing in and breathing out.

It is not without reason that all religions advise a prayer at the beginning of the day; not to praise a miserable God so that he does not get angry - that is childish - but to ask for guidance for the day ahead.

In the same way, we see that successful people first pause before tackling the tasks ahead. - And we have all experienced what it means not to do this!?!

In childhood, this structure is given to us by parents, educators and society; in adolescence, we fight against it and break away from it. We are adults when we structure our lives ourselves. This is a constant flow. At the end of life, we give this structuring back into the hands of others and then pass away.

3rd Weekly Thought:

Freedom and self-control

"We have never seen someone who really didn't want to be free .... and also never have seen someoneone who really feels free. And if we see ourselves? Same with for each of us !!!"


Let's look at an example that we all know: we simply did NOTHING one day.

It just happened and in our head we were going "You should do this and that ...". - then the result is that we are tired, disappointed, empty and still sleepless.

If we decided to take a day off today - then the result is that we are fresh, refreshed, happy and full of energy for the next day and have a deep peaceful sleep.

If we have decided to simply observe today (= value-free meditation) - then the result is that we have gained many new impressions and insights that enrich our view and our life and our sleep will be peaceful.

Three times the same - and yet three very different results.

2nd Weekly Thought:

2 types of freedom

a "negative" freedom; this is the "freedom from ..." and a "positive" freedom, the "freedom for ...". And if we confuse the two, we become confused and trapped and .... are no longer free! Let us see the difference between the two and understand why we are confused:


If we have broken a leg it is important that the break is treated ("freedom from ..."), but then I have to practice walking until it is really well again! ("Freedom for ...").

I then have to put my focus on the WALKING; if I put it on the fracture, fear appears and I will not practise or at least only very carefully and therefore will not learn to walk again - the consequence of this is depression!

If I have an addiction, it is important to first get rid of the addictive substance ("freedom from...", but then I have to learn to live until things are really good! ("Freedom for..."; if I focus my attention against the addictive substance or the addiction, I will become afraid of a relapse and am not free to look forward in my life - the consequence of this is depression!

If I have lived in an ended relationship (no matter what), it is important to first let go of this relationship ("freedom from ...") and then to shape my new life piece by piece ("freedom for ..."; if I focus my attention on the ended relationship or the person, I will not start living anew but will develop fear of a new relationship, aggression against the other person or myself (because of the "mistakes") and possibly act out or sink into depression!

To distinguish between these two types of freedom is for me always LIFE IMPORTANT!!!

I wish us all a free and always new life!​

1st Weekly Thought:

Freedom and departure

Your life counts !!! We are born to live! We are all born with a powerful seed, a dream - a dream of: Freedom, Happiness, Development and Prosperity, Meaning.                                                                                                              

Living means overcoming our shortcomings to make these dreams come true and share them with others.  So please don't dream your life. Go your way! Dreams become visions, visions become goals and goals become steps. You are welcome and needed!


Dear fellows,

this morning I received a post with the song by John Lennon "Imagine" and I could see that this song has always accompanied me since my youth. Yes, back then I was a dreamer!

I remember a conversation with my father about finding a new profession for me; I told him that it was important for me that this profession should also be fun, fulfil me and offer me a good future! - His answer was short and to the point: "You shouldn't even think of such a thing!"

At that time, it wasn't just about a job or a living, it was about goals for my life, because I had just had a total breakdown that had put me in a clinic for 6 months, where I realised that I couldn't go on living the way I had been living and I didn't want to! Sex, drugs, alcohol and rock & roll didn't work for me after all! It was an attempted escape - but not a departure!!!!!

Over the years, I have met many friends and companions who shared this longing for a better life in a better world with me and who could not and would not simply let go of it. We have taken the most different paths, tried out many things and yet it never really worked out! The consequences were confusion, disappointment, bitterness, fears, depression, rejection and despair and sometimes even life fatigue.

However, since I had never given up my longing over all these years, it led me - for the most part unconsciously - on my path after all!

I learned in various 12-step groups that a "programme with steps" is an important tool to stay on the path and to move forward.

In the different religions I learned that behind all the different traditions and dogmas of faith there was something that I was also looking for - but could not really find in them. A Power greater than myself!

Today I know that this is probably the most important point in order not to finally sink into my own swamp - because with all my experiences, insights and convictions, I am still only a limited human being! I can only grow if I grow beyond myself!!!!!

I also learned that in order to grow, it is absolutely necessary to exchange ideas with other people who are also on their quest - not to discuss differences with them (that usually doesn't help much in this context) - but to share experiences, strength and visions together. And the more different these people are - for me it was a gift that I was allowed to come into contact with people from very different cultures, countries and religions - the more I could and can recognise new perspectives and aspects and thus enrich myself and my life!

Today I can share my experiences with others who are still suffering and searching - and I am looking forward to this new year with all your contributions!!!! It is a gift for which I am grateful!!!!

You are welcome with all my heart!!!!

All the best and see you soon!

Your fellow Dieter

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